Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Music is . . .


Every long, lost stream, led me to where you are.
~ Bless The Broken Road - Rascal Flatts

Don't it always seem to go, that you don't know what you've got til its gone.
~Big Yellow Taxi - Counting Crows, Vanessa Carlton

My hips don't lie, and im starting to feel it's right
~Hips Don't Lie - Wyclef Jean, Shakira

For that smile, and those eyes.
~Poetically Pathetic - Amber Pacific

I believe i can, i believe i will.
~I Believe - Yolanda Adams

Give a moment or two to the angry young man.
~Angry Young Man - Billy Joel

But i know, that ill wait another day, til you're here by my side.
~Another Day - G4

Follow you're heart, let you're love lead through the darkness.
~I Believe in You - Il Divo, Celine Dion

And we can cry with hope, we can say goodbye with hope.
~With Hope - Steven Curtis Chapman

I'm that star up in the sky, im that mountain peak up high.
~World's Greatest - R. Kelly

When all the dreaming, scheming and screaming, become one.
~This is the Moment - Eric Santos

Rain outside my window, pouring down.
~I'm Sorry - Craig David

So take a good look at my face, you'll see my smile looks out of place.
~The Track of my Tears - Human Nature (a cappella)

I'm so glad that he let me try it again.
~Higher Ground - Stevie Wonder

Cause every moment, we share together, is even better, than the moments before.
~Moments - Westlife

Whisper words of wisdom, let is be.
~Let It Be - The Beatles

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Ciao,Ti manco? I hope not.haha. How was your weekend? Spero che tu abbia passato un buon fine settimana.Well lets get to the point . . .

Patrizio Buanne is an Italian baritone. Buanne's debut album, The Italian, was released in 2005. It is composed of eleven tracks of traditional Italian songs. I bought his cd and i love it, i cant stop play his songs all nite long. awwww italian are amazing.

My new cd's (not all of them are new tho!). Love them so much. Cant stop listen them all nite long!

Friday, October 6, 2006



  • 21.00 ( Berangkat dari Harbang menuju ke Lembang )

  • 22.00 ( Nyampe + boyong-boyong)

  • 23.00 ( Games )

Joged Bola => 5 pasang orang joged" pake bola diantara kepala mereka
Pasangan pertama Ezra & Mba Lisa
And our Newlywed Mba Adel & Mas David
Om Samuel & Tante Anna
Om Mangapul & Tante
Ka Andi & Ka Icha


Girls aloud ( ka maya, ka clesi, ka lili, MOI, elynn ) vs Boys Aloud ( janji joni, ka andi, mas yoyo, anto, ezra )

Skor akhir 3-0
Girls Aloud WON !

  • 00.00

Bonfire, Makan Jagung Bakars.

Lagenta was like the most romantic place ever. The bonfire is the most romantic place i found in Lagenta. Tempatnya bener" buat Bonfire"an, ada tempat apinya dikelilingin ama tempat duduk yg berbentuk bulat yg mengelilingi bonfire *accccchhhh susah ngejelasinya ama kata". POKOKNYA INDAH.
Di Bonfire, semua pada ngumpul" kecuali ibu" yg sudah pada kelelahan and guess what mas indra slept all nite long dari berangkat ampe pagi. Kita pada maen peragaan tokoh alkitab grup dibagi mejadi dua yaitu grup kiri dan kanan, ella di kiri bareng ama my soulmate lynn. Korban pertama peraga adalah bank anenk bagi kubu kanan, lalu peragaan terjawab. Korban kedua sii Elynn bagi kubu kiri, lalu peragaan terjawab. Kedudukan 1 sama terus bertahan sampai pertanyaan rebutan. Korban terakhir alat peraga adalah ko hendi, curangnya ko hendi yg ada di kubu kanan memperagakannya sambil ngebelakangin kubu kiri. Yahh akhirnya ga ada yg menang swalnya none of both groups able to answer peragaanya.

Sementara orang" sedang bermain ternyata di lapangan tengah ada mas dodo dan mba adel sedang membakar jagungs. Ella nyamperin deh, ehh gak lama kemudian orang'' pada mendatangi tempat Bakaran trus ikut'' ngebakar. Jujur ella abis 2 jagung tapi itu masih sedikit dibandingi bank anenk yg abis 4. HAHA.

  • 01.00

Uno and Jenga

Ella, Elynn, Ezra, Ko Hendi, Ka putri, Mas anto, dan maav bagi yg tdk tersebut menuju ruang atas trus kita pada main jenga. Parahnya kita ribut abis ampe abang" yg pada maen capsah tepat dibawah kita pada complain. Abis gimana maen jenga menguras tenaga dan pikiran euy.

  • 02.00

Karena sudah lelah Ella meninggalkan ruang atas menuju ke ruang tv, disana sudah terlihat mba dini and mas yoyo sedang menonton bola. Trus ella ke kamar no.5 yg merupakan kamar ella mamah papah mbadebi masjoe nanda arka mbadini dan elynn, disana ella mengganti pakaian sebelumnya yaitu jersey ITALY dgn no punggung 7 milik Del Piero diganti dgn kaos bunny + celana pyjamas gitu. Seusai mengganti baju ella kembali ke ruang tv yg letaknya di pertengahan kumpulan kamar, disana yg tadinya sepi sudah dipenuhi abang" yg sebelumnya pada maen kartu menunggu intermilan maen. Ada mas sam,yohanes,yoyo,andi and mbadini kemudian ditambah ELLA. Kami menunggu pertandingan inter dgn ngantuknya sambil ngobrol ga jelas, tidur"an, makan"an, gosip"an pokoknya aneh deh. Mas yoyo kemudian mengeluarkan suara ngeBASSnya dan berkata bahwa pertandingan sudah dimulai, ella yg lagi ngobrol ama mas yohanes and ka andi dgn cepat memalingkan perhatiannya ke arah tv. Dan mencari sesosok pria di tengah lapangan yaitu Zlatan Ibrahimovic. Enaknya pria" yg pada tidur di ruang tv bisa nntn sambil tidur"an sedangkan ella, mba dini, mas yoyo hanya berbagi satu sofa besar utk tidur"an saja. Ternyata pas ella liat ke arah tpt tidur pria" tsb mereka sedang asyiiknya pada main capsah ... herann dehh ga bosen"nya. Trus ella nanya kok ga nntn bola, mrk menjawab aduhhh hari ginii nntn intermilan..males bgd, mending ntar jam 3 nntn Barcelona. Tak kuat menahan rasa ngantuk akhirnya ella ama mba dini menyerah saja, kami tidur deh jadinya...

Sementara kita pada nonton bola dgn ngantuknya, di ruang atas elynn ezra masanto kaputri mas joni masdodo sedang asyiiknya bermain jenga and they played it all nite long! HAHA. Bayangin aja ella cs nntn bola kuat ampe jam setengah tiga sedangkan mereka maen jenga kuat ampe jam empat *itu hanya dgn cwe"nya klo cwo"nya sendirii mrk maen ampe jam setengah 5*....


  • 07.00

Kamar no. 5 masih pada tidur, yang lain lagi pada main bulutangkis

  • 08.00

Kamar no.5, ehhh tepatnya ella dan elynn masih tidur, yang lain pada baca AYAT HARIAN.

  • 08.30

Akhirnya kita sadar bahwa orang" udah pada bangun dan lagi sarapan. Dengan Roll di poninya, ella dan elynn menyapa kawan" dgn ''Buenos Diaz'' gak deng pake ''pagiiiii'' doank kok. Trus kita ambil sarapan yg nikmat yaitu baso tahu kuah.

  • 09.00

Udah pada selesai sarapan kita pada mencar.
Abang" pada main kartu. this is the thing,, anak bandung barat terutama para lelakinya doyaan bener maen kartu, setiap ada kesempatan pasti mrk pada maen capsah rame" trus berisik bgd lagi.
Meanwhile, ella berjalan sendiri menuju ke lapangan basket yg sudah dikerubungi masanto kohendi kaputri siiezra, kita maen tiga lawan tiga. Tapi grupnya ella kalah abisnya grup lawan kita ada mas anto yg mainnya nasteung (panas beteung aka napsu - red ).

  • 09.15 ( GAMES SERU )

Balap Karung.
Bawa Belut.
Ella gak nyangka sii mas indra gelinya setengah mati pas main game ini. HAHAHA. Padahal ibu" maen game ini biasa" aja. Sii mas indra siihh badan aja gede nyalinya kecil.LOL
Kids Game - Puzzle

  • 11.45 ( Karaoke )

  • 13.00 ( LunchLunch EnakEnak )

  • 13.40 - 15.00

Ada yg tidur siang, Ada yg maen kartu, Ada yg maen jenga, Ada yg makan lagi, Ada yg karaokean melulu

  • Futsal PBS ( The game I wait the most )

Harbang 1 vs Harbang 2

Harbang 1 ( ella, mas dodo, mas anto, ka andi, elynn, ko samuel, juann )
Harbang 2 ( mas samuel, mas yoyo, bang anenk, janji joni, om susilo, mba dini, )

Dari data di atas sudah jelas bahwa harbang 2 merupakan group yg penuh dgn bintang apalagi goalkeepernya om susilo.Striker harbang 1 ella dan elin dibuat pusing oleh possession ball yg jelas" ada di bek harbang 1 terus gak dioperin ke kita. Ella ada lini depan bersama elin layaknya Andriy Shevchenko and Didier Drogba, Ella susah bgd membuat gol beda dengan elynn 10 menit pertama aja dia sudah membuahkan gol, assist dari ka andi. Sedangkan ella terlihat kebingungan dijaga bek sayap Harbang 2 yaitu sii janji joni. Gol pembuka dari elynn langsung dibalas 2 gol dari Bank anenk and Mas Samuel. ACCCHHH payah goalkeeper harbang 1 !! Tanpa berkutik ka andi membawa bola dgn begitu individualnya dari belakang ampe depan gak lepas" dan akhirnya membuahkan goal kedua bagi harbang 1. Dua striker harbang 1 hanya CENGO dilewati oleh pemain bek harbang 1 itu yg sepertinya lupa punya striker di depan yg sedang menunggu operan bola. Lucunya setiap kali Harbang 1 membuat gol, kami" merayakannya dgn aneh'' beda ama Harbang 2 yg ga ada rasa syukur. Tapi harbang 2 klo ngebales gol gak kira" akhirnya kedudukan sementarnya 3-2 euy. Pada pertengahan pertandingan Harbang 1 mendapat kesempatan emas utk membalas kekalahan yaitu dengan corner kick yg dilakukan ka andi, bola langsung nyampe ke ella tapi krn dijaga ketat ella hanya bisa menendang tdk tepat ke gawang. Pemain bek Harbang 1 keren", cuman strikernya mandul" haha. Terlihat dari kejauhan, sekali lagi ka andi membawa bola gak lepas", ahh paling kagak dioper.. ech taunya bola langsung di oper ke elynn yg pada saat itu berada di posisis ueeeennnnnakkk bwat menciptakan gol dan BANG kedudukan berubah menjadi 3 sama. Gak lama kemudian 2 gol dari harbang 2 membuat pemain harbang 1 pada turun ke belakang, contohnya ella ampe ngejar" mas yoyo kebelakang HAHA. Yahhh karena kita" pada udah kecapean kita memutuskan utk menyudahi pertandingan dgn skor akhir harbang 1 (3) harbang 2 (6) gila kan harbang 2 klo maen ga kira".

  • 16.00 ( pada mandi, beres'', pulang )

  • 17.00 ( nyampe di bandung, pulang ke rumah masing")

Ella ingin membagi keceriaan kami sewaktu berlibur di Lagenta, lewat slideshow voto" dibawah ini. Tapi sepertinya anda sekalian akan sulit menemukan ella swalnya ella sie. dokumentasi aka photographer. enjoy 'em ! maav jika loading lama



Tuesday, August 22, 2006


listen to my new discovery. don't drown yourself into old school music. but listen to the new one and you'll be happy , trust me!

Beautiful - Nick Lachey
I see, Looking for yourself tonight.
And I know, Gonna sell your soul under the lights.
And I hear, The emptiness that echoes in your cries.
Someday, I'll pray that you finally realize.

Your beautiful, That's all that I can say.
Unforgettable, I'm caught in every way.
Don't every let the mirror tell you lies,
Just look at your reflection through my eyes.
Your beautiful.

It seems, You always keep one foot outside the door.
So sad, You gotta all but still you long for more.
And you cry, So desperate for your place among the stars.
But why, Just searching for what you already are.

Your beautiful, That's all that I can say.
Unforgettable, I'm caught in every way.
Don't every let the mirror tell you lies,
Just look at your reflection through my eyes.
Your beautiful..

Feeling your stars are drafted away from me,
Back to the empty place you used to be.
How do I get to you,
To you.......
That's all that I can say.

i've just heard nick's songs and touched by his songs especially BEAUTIFUL.
I think he'll be more success in his solo carrier.


i tell you what!
lately i listen to Spanish and Italian songs.
itung" belajar pronunciation.

dimelo - marc anthony
la gente anda diciendo por alli
que tu quisieras acercarte a mi
si tu supieras que te quiero amar
que hasta el cielo te quiero llevar
no me dejes solo con mi corazon
que esta enloquecido con esta pasion
si es que me deseas nena dimelo
porque por tu amor estoy muriendo yo
ay dimelo, ven dimelo
porque por tu amor estoy muriendo yo
so you pudiera acariciar tu piel
tu cuerpo entero quiero conocer
esta pasion no me deja dormir
este deseo no me deja vivir

No hay igual - Nelly Furtado
Quiero tu solo
No es lo mismo
Por eso espero
Huele mi cuerpo
Tú, mil y tantas
El tiempo pasa
No quiero otro
No hay igual
Quiero tu solo
No es lo mismo
Por eso espero
Huele mi cuerpo
Tú, mil y tantas,
El tiempo pasa
No quiero otro
No hay igual
El hambre que tengo tienes que matar
Mi copa vacia tienes que llenar
Mis noches sola tienen que acabar
Dime que nunca me vas a dejar
Pero no demores
Cada dia mi cuerpo llora
Cuantas cosas quiero, a ese señor
Quiero que yo quiero, yo lo quiero ahora

Situ Me Amas - Il Divo
Solo en ti por siempre seré f solo en feliz
Historia que presenti mucho antes
De vivir en mi
Porque solo en ti encuentro lo que
ayer perdi
Tu eres en mi existir mi gran
Si tu me amas you seré esa esperanza
Que jamas se querra morir
En este amor sin fin
Tu seras siempre mi alma
Despertar paraisos de pasion y paz
Sé que solo los podré encontrar
En mis dias junto a ti.
Si tu me amas yo seré esa esparanza
Que jamas se querra morir
En este amor sin fin
Tu seras siempre mi alma
Si tu me amas yo seré una esperanza
Que jamas se querra morir
En este amor sin fin
Tu seras siempre mi alma
Jamas querra morir
Abrazame hasta el fin
Volare si me amas
Haces realidad la magia de sonar

Ti Amero - Il Divo
La notte scivola sul mondo
Che si addormenterà
E la luna vestirà d'argento
Il mare e le città
E tu mi mancherai
Più ancora
Quanto non lo sai
Continuerò a credere che
Siamo un'anima, io e te
E ti amerò comunque, lo so
Anche se non sei con me
Io ti amerò
Ti porterò con me nel sole
Nei sogni che farò
Ruberò i colori del mattino
E un cielo limpido
Su cui dipingerò il tuo viso
E sorriderò
Continuerò a credere che
Siamo un'anima, io e te
E ti amerò comunque, lo so
Anche se non sei con me
Mi manchi più che mai stasera
Quanto non lo sai...


The most beautiful lyric and song by Marc Terenzi.


I can't believe I'm standing here
Been waiting for so many years and
Today I found the Queen to reign my heart
You changed my live so patiently
And turned it into something good and real
I feel just like I felt in all my dreams
There are questions hard to answer
Can't you see

Baby, tell me how can I tell you
That I love you more than life
Show me how can I show you
That I’m blinded by your light
When you touch me I can touch you
To find out the dream is true
I love to be loved by you

You're looking kind of scared right now
You're waiting for the wedding vows
But I don’t know if my tongue's able to talk
Your beauty is just blinding me
Like sunbeams on a summer stream and
I gotta close my eyes to protect me
Can you take my hand and lead me
From here please yeah...yeah...

Baby, tell me how can I tell you
That I love you more than life
Show me how can I show you
That I'm blinded by your light
When you touch me I can touch you
To find out the dream is true
I love to be loved, I need to be loved
I love to be loved by you

I know they gonna say our love's not strong enough to last forever
And I know they gonna say that we'll give up because of heavy weather
But how can they understand that our love is just heaven sent
We keep on going on and on cause this is where we both belong

Baby, tell me how can I tell you
That I love you more than life
Show me how can I show you
That I'm blinded by your light
When you touch me I can touch you
To find out the dream is true
I love to be loved, I need yes I need to be loved
I love to be loved by you

Yes I love to be loved by you

Does anybody knows Marc Terenzi? Maybe most of you don't know him. He is a American pop singer formerly of the boy band "Natural". Marc's single 'Heat Between the Sheets' was released soon after and hit the top 40 in Germany and Austria. He followed that up with the song he wrote for the wedding 'Love to be loved by you' which peaked at #3 in the German charts And peaked at #1 in my MIND charts.

Il Divo.

The idea behind Il Divo's creation came to Simon Cowell, he decided to form a multinational quartet (Spain, Switzerland, France, and United States) that sounded like The Three Tenors and looked like Armani models. Cowell commenced a worldwide search for young singers who were willing to embark on the Il Divo project. His search lasted two years, from 2001 until December 2003. The well-established formation of Il Divo comprises a renowned Spanish opera and zarzuela baritone, Carlos Marín, two classically trained tenors, Swiss Urs Bühler and American David Miller, and a French pop singer, Sébastien Izambard.

Further information Il Divo's site

Fantastico! The greatest boy band ever. Not like Nysnc or Backstreet boys who are sell their look but Il Divo sell both look and voice. Actually i've heard them for a long time but i think their music is my father's style not mine. But i dunno know why when i saw their DVD "Madeira" i was thinking that this 4 cute guys are so awesome especially they sing in Spanish ( for the 2nd album ) which is so gorgeous. And i continue listen to them, sampe" ella hafal semua liriknya mulai dari yg pake bahasa prancis ampe spanyol. Hoho. And im kindda fall in love with Urs, yess the one with medium hair and cute smile and beautiful eyes. Owh Urs. Klo soal suara mereka gak bisa dipertanyakan lagi. Kecuali belom denger. So start from now listen to their beautiful songs, i suggest you!

Demam bola.

Bisa dibilang sidang Bandung Barat penggila bola. Buktinya 2 minggu sekali anak-anak kost rela merogoh saku mereka hanya biar bisa main bola. Kamis 17 Agustus malam, sehabis berhimpun ella dan CS pada makan di YPAC. Nah pas disana kita pada ngomongin bola. Giliran ka maya ama mba putri yg kebingunan. Ternyata untuk Premiership taun ini kubu di bandung barat terbagi-bagi, contohnya mas dod megang Arsenal mas sam megang Liverpool, bang anenk megang Newcastle United, ka andi megang Manchester United dst. Cuman ella yg megang dua clubs ARSENAL and MANCHESTER UNITED. Lucunya pas makan satu meja itu dikepung ama Bandung Barat tapi ada cowo sendirian makan disitu. Dia senyam senyum gitu ngedengerin kita. Emang sehh kita pada aneh.

Monday, 21st August 2oo6.

Bandung barat vs Cimahi. Hasil akhir 4-3 memang memalukan bagi ELLA yg udah niat bangun jam 7 padahal malemnya abis begadang nonton Totenham, ELLa juga udah pake jersey nya Real Madrid plus topi ITALIA demi menularkan semangat menang buat squad Bandung Barat. Tapi apa boleh buat striker Bandung Barat gak okeoke. Mas Indra maen di babak kedua udah janji bakal ngasih Ella dua gol malah diving di akhir permainan yg menyebabkan bola yg udah ditendang ka Andi gak sempet ditendang mas Indra. HUH. Diving mulu kayak Inzaghi. Trus abis maen bola kita pada makan di restoran depannya vila kok James. Bodornya Ezra mesen ikan gurame gede bgd, dia kira ikanya tuch kecil jadinya dia mesen itu bwat sendirian. Abis dari situ kita pada beli es mambo, ech taunya ketemu Nova cs lagi pada abis hiking. Kita ngobrol" gitu abis itu pulang. Lucu bgd dech, empatan di mobil, kaca di buka, udara dingin, ngebut lewat Dago bengkok, pada pake kacamata item . . . kayak di video clip ajah. HAHA. Nyampe di rumah ella ama elin langsung tewas di tempat tidur. Tapi elin bolak balik ke kamar mandi trus.

Saturday, August 5, 2006


I think talent is the natural endowments of a person including creative or artistic aptitude. And I rate my talent (1-10) 8 or average.
Klo dipikir-pikir ella bisa apa?. .
umm. . .
okay lets mention some. . .
i able to sing one silly song for you. i able to play do re mi on piano. i able to play c chord on guitar.
well in my sight.. i think im pretty hot @ ;
joking. singing. acting. writing. watching. flirting *nah! just kidding. babysitting. . .
enough to rate myself an eight?

I think intelligence is the ability to learn or understand or to deal with new or trying situations. I rate my intelligence (1-10) 8,5.
Why? Buktinya my first day at school udah ada yg curhat masalah cwo ke ella. And dia seneng ama komentar ella.
When my best friend cried. I didn't cry. Because i think if we cry, itu bukan masalah solidaritas tapi nambah beban sang sahabat, apalagi klo kita nangisnya lebih heboh. Emang susah ngendaliin emosi diri sendiri but if we determined to control our emotion then it would be easy.
When my best friend jadi super duper gila. Ella ikut-ikutan gila. Klo ini seh masalah ganguan jiwa bukan solidaritas semata.
But when my best friend pengen ngelakuin sesuatu yg jelas dan terang-terangan salah. Ella beraksi sok dewasa. Susah emang! tapi mau gimana lagi. Mana ada seh temen yg tega ngeliat temen baeknya jalan menuju ke lobang. Ada?!

I thinks beauty is the quality or aggregate of qualities in a person that gives pleasure to the sense or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirit. I cant rate myself at this point. Its depends on how you judge me physically and overall. Well I'm not narcist person, just so you know. I'm not the one
who praise and worship themselves.

I think appeal is the power of arousing a sympathetic response. I'm pretty good at this point. I'm a sensitive girl. I can feel sadness around people i love.

People I love.

Mom and Dad and Sist and Bro
I have no reason to not love them.

Mba dini Elin and Mas Dodo
They're like my own family. They colored my life. They're ALWAYS BE THERE typical friends. I cant walk in the right path without them.

He's my nephew but he's older than me. He's silly but my life would be plain without his silly thingy.

Kak Maya
She's my brain. She's my private lesson teacher. She taught me a lot of things. Math especially. Beside my teacher shes also my LIFE TEACHER.

Long distance friend. She's my childhood friend. A friend who taught me that life isn't that easy. Especially the l o v e thingy. The girl who have strength to carry on the pressure.

The love life.
La vida de amor. La vita amorosa. A vida de amor. La vie d'amour. Het liefde leven. Das Liebesleben

( translate in Spanish. Italian. Portuguese. French. Dutch. German )

Well lovelovelove.
I think i will love guy who're love me unconditionally.
I think i will love guy who're so in love with me.
I think i will love guy who're polite.
I think i will love guy who really nice to talk with.
I think i will love guy who love to tell me that he loves me.
I think i will love guy who'd like to say I LOVE TO BE LOVED BY YOU.
I think i will love guy who love football as much as i do *haha, nah! just kidding.
Well i think a loads of things.

I love a guy who. . .
Can cook. So i can cook with him. Have a cooking date. Cook together for the kids. And he can replace me as a mother.

I love a guy who. . .
Can play an instrument or instruments. I think the guy who able to play an instrument is the touchable one. But not sensitive, just touchable. He knows exactly the time when he could not bother us with those guy things.

I love a guy who. . .
Are really nice. Who doesn't?

I love a guy who. . .
Are Openminded.

I love a guy who. . .
Love kidos. I like kidos but not for me. And i have a bunch of nephew tho!

But pointlessly i love a guy who. . .
Love Europe.
Rich. who doesn't?
Love football.
a guy who aren't momma kid.

And these guys are so me. physically

Fabio Cannavaro (Real Madrid)

Chris Evans (cellular)

Stephen Colleti (Laguna beach)

Nick Valensi (the strokes)

And these guys are so me. personality

Vin diesel
A Man Apart as Sean Vetter

I like Sean Vetter because he loves his wife so much even though his wife already dead. I cried when i saw this movie especially when his wife said '' don't save me '' then he replied '' okay, whatever you want me to do I'll do it for you ''

Michael Vartan
Monster In Law as Kevin

I like Kevin because he's so charming. Put smile everywhere he goes. It seems that he's really fun guy. And he's a doctor. He respects women a lot.

Matthew Perry
Friends as Chandler
Silly and joker guys are totally mine. His jokes can make his friends laugh a lot. His silly attitude can make his girlfriend mad. He care and love his friends so much. And his outgoing style make me FLY to the top.

Adam Brody
The Orange Country as Seth Cohen
Not like an average boy. He loves to read comics. He loves to listen such music like the killers and death cab for cutie. He plays his skateboard really well. Totally outgoing style. His loyalty to friends. Owh such a cute guy.

Monday, July 17, 2006

District Convention 'o6


Sayang bgd ella cuman ikut setengah hari.Swalnya harus ke limabelas buat daftar ulang. That day was awesome. Ada michelle my belle. But she told me that bandung tuch gersang cwo. HAHA. Jujur..IYA. Buat sdri jgn ke Bandung dech klo maw nyari jodoh. Kata orang" sehh Bandung tuch surganya sdri". HAHA.


Good day. Denger babeh khotbah. And ohh there was two precious person yg diwawancara ka'maya and erick. Dasar hebat. And 31 got baptism that day. CONGRATS'. Owh ada khotbah buat kaum muda yg bener" bagus bgd. Kenyang ella.


Lucu. Hari yg lucu. HAHA. Apalagi pas sesi siangnya. Ella and mba debie menggila pas ada tvri ngeshot kita. HAHA. Kampung memang. Khotbahnya om Darma Sembiring bagus bgd"an so encouraging me to be a better person. POKOKNYA bener" kenyang dech.

Paling lucu pas after convention. Kitakan pada bersih" abis itu voto". Ella ama elin ga ada gawe (kerjaan-basa sunda-red) jadi kita candid" shot gitu ke orang". SO MUCHOO FUN. Maaf apabila terlihat blur, maklum candid gitu.(ella)


Monday, July 10, 2006

Horay italy won !
This is my first worldcup. I hate football before.First and impressing. Smua team yg ella pegang *kecuali brazil* masuk semi-final. Gimana gak ketagihan. Sekalinya megang langsung dapet.



o1. Mempunyai pelatih yg hebatshebats, owh yeah Scolari and Lippi.
o2. Dibanjiri pemain yg kuatskuats and berkharisma, owh yeah Totti,Del piero,Pirlo,Buffon,De Rossi,Cannavaro and Luis Figo,Pauleta,Carvalho,Maniche,Deco,C.ronaldo.
o3. Mempunyai kapten yg teruji kualitasnya di berbagai Liga, owh yeah Cannavaro and Figo rox!.
o4. Dari segi agresifitas *holoholoh* mereka oks bgd.
o5. Permainan yg banyak orang bilang kasar, tapi gak lemah.
o6. Penjaga gawangnya ga mungkin terkalahkan, Buffon and Ricardo sama" menyelamatkan gawang sebanyak 23 kali.
o7. Gak kayak team yg lain Italy ama Portugal klo main BAHAYA banget


o1. Ada Scolari.
o2. First world cup game for C.Ronaldo and the Last for Luis Figo.
o3. Permainan Portugal yg selalu dibilang cantik.
o4. Cara mereka mendominasi bola.
o5. Jarang kebobolan
o6. Mental pemain yg masih labil bikin Portugal maen agresif banget,especially for attacking
o7. Umpan Luis Figo yang ga pernah salah tempat.
08. Permainan sayap C.Ronaldo yg suka dibilang individual padahal itu tugas dari Scolari.
o9. Permainan yg dibilang gak biasa dengan mengurangi aktivitas striker tapi menamabah tugas bagi winger.
1o. Defender yg main abis abisan.
11. Kiper yg tangguh.
12. Mental menyerang yg kuat.
13. Peng-oper-an bola yg lambat tapi pasti.
14. Cristiano menempati posisi ketiga sebagai THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PLAYER IN WORLD CUP 2006
15. Luis Figo menempati posisi ketujuh sebagai THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PLAYER IN WORLD CUP 2006
16. and the last but not least is ADA CRISTIANO RONALDO AND MY DAD LUIS FIGO


Cristiano RONALDO (POR)
When all's said and done, this fourth-place finish means a lot to us and to the whole of Portugal. We're happy with what we've done here and we all deserve credit for the joy that we've brought to our people. The only negative thing about this World Cup is that we're losing two great players, Luis Figo and Pauleta, who both made me feel at home in the team. I have learned a lot from both of them.

Unfortunately fourth place feels a bit hollow and we deserved a different scoreline. But we're proud of what we've done and at the end of the day to finish fourth in a World Cup that has been as competitive as this one is good. The fact that Figo and Pauleta are both saying goodbye represents the end of an era, but we have to respect their decisions and congratulate them on their magnificent careers.

Overall, we have acquitted ourselves well, although obviously we wanted more. Personally speaking, I found things a bit difficult because of the injury I suffered before the tournament and it was only until a few days before the France game that I was able to train properly. I felt as though I was lacking a bit of match fitness.

Ricardo COSTA (POR)
In spite of the defeat, I'm happy with my debut in the World Cup and it was tremendous to share a stage with a great team like Germany. We weren't happy with the match because they had three shots at goal and scored from all three.

I think Germany got the rub of the green because they scored two excellent goals from the three shots that they had. But we deserve credit for our great World Cup campaign and it's nice to have our success acknowledged by the Portuguese people.

Even though this was the game that neither team wanted to play, it was our Final. The first half was very even, but then Germany were more clinical and scored two great goals. I will always remember those two strikes from Schweinsteiger. But we are leaving here with a lot of pride and I just want to congratulate Oliver Kahn and the rest of the German team.


Cristiano Ronaldo bakal pindah klub. Dikarenakan pers inggris yg mencaci maki kelakuannya sewaktu memprovokasi wasit [england vs portugal] and mereka mencap C.Ro adalah pemain yg suka diving gak penting. Scolari membela C.Ro dgn mengatakan bahwa itu keputusan wasit dan tindakan Rooney memang selayaknya diberikan kartu merah, selain itu Scolari mengatakan bahwa banyak pemain yg melakukan diving lebih parah daripada C.Ro masih dipuja-puja *kayaknya nyindir ballack yg keliatan banget ga berhasil melakukan diving sewaktu menyerang italy. Currently Real Madrid and Barcelona menyatakan keinginan mereka untuk mengontrak C.Ro.Tapi belum ada official confirmation from both Club.

Luis Figo menyatakan pengungduran diri dari Timnas Portugal.Dengan demikian habislad Golden Generation dari Portugal.

Ricardo ditempatkan bersamaan dengan Buffon sebagai kiper yg melakukan penyelamatan terbanyak di world cup 2oo6

Scolari membuktikan bahwa Luis Figo mampu memimpin Portugal dengan baik, setelah mengambil keputusan untuk menempatkan Deco.Sebelumnya terjadi pertengkaran antar Luis Figo yang tidak setuju Deco main dikarenakan Deco mempunyai darah Brazil.

ITALY Gli Azzurri

o1. Ada Lippi
02. Adanya kasus CALCIOPOLI yang pada tahun 1982 memotivasi para pemain untuk membawa gelar piala dunia
03. Pertahanan Italy yg dinobatkan sebagai pertahanan terbaik di worldcup 2oo6.
04. Kecepatan menyerang
06. Taktik Lippi yg menempatakan salah satu dari Totti atau Del Piero sebagai cadangan
07. 13 orang pemain yang berasal dari klub-klub tersangka kasus CALCIPOLI yang pasti akan main habishabisan
08. Memiliki pemain back yg tak terkalahkan, terutama Fabio Cannavaro yg dinobatkan sebagai BACK TERBAIK DI DUNIA oleh FIFA
09. Memiliki goalkepper terbaik di dunia, BUFFON
1o. Mampu memanfaatkan cornershot,freekick sebagai sarana untuk mencetak gol dengan baik
11. Serangan balik yang sangat cepat
12. Dihapusnya kata '' pertahanan '' dari kamus para pemain italy, sebaliknya kata '' menyerang di berbagai kesempatan '' selalu digunakan italy di babak semi-final
13. Del Piero dibotakin alias tambah cakep
14. Cannavaro menempati tempat pertama sebagai THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PLAYER IN WORLD CUP 2006
15. Perang berdarah antara De Rossi sewaktu melawan US
16. Ada Totti sebagai playmaker
17. Adanya trio memautkan di lini belakang yang sangat menyulitkan lawan untuk melakukan penyerangan lewat sayap
18. Fantastic sewaktu memainkan bola udara
19. Trio memautkan Zambrotta, Materazzi and Cannavaro sebagai lini pertahanan
20. Kemampuan untuk mengelabui lawan sewaktu mengoper bola, especially for my DEL PIERO
21. and the last but not least karena ITALY masakannya enak

Players' Quotes
France vs Italy

Andrea PIRLO (ITA)
I took the first penalty because they asked me to and I did it without thinking. I want to dedicate this victory to my family - this is an amazing feeling, you can't get better than this and we still don't quite understand what we've done... perhaps tomorrow or the day after. It was a very difficult match, very even and France were strong. But we deserved it and now we're going to celebrate. This is a dream I've had since I was a boy and now it's come true. Our secret has been the group and our desire to go all the way.

We've come to the end of our World Cup adventure and I'd like to thank the German people. Everyone I've met during the past month has been very polite, respectful and well-behaved. Now we're going back to Duisburg to party all night.

For the penalty I'd already decided where to put it. I can't describe my happiness and right now I am thinking of the people closest to me - my wife and my family and I want to dedicate this win to them. The penalties were a really tough moment but we wanted to win this Cup so much and in the end we managed it. I can't wait to go and celebrate in Italy. I started out at the bottom as a player and now I've got to the very top, and this is hard to believe. We've had a great World Cup.

Tonight's result is fantastic. We were made to suffer, but we stood up and were counted tonight. We gave our all on the pitch. I promised I'd get my hair cut if we won, so they cut it for me in the dressing room. I'll let it grow again though.

Fantastic! We're the world champions, I still can't believe it. I can't think straight at the moment but it's a wonderful feeling. Who cares about hitting the bar, the important thing was to win. Now we want to celebrate with the Italy fans when we get back to Rome. We're going to party all summer. I hope (Marcello) Lippi stays on, but it's his decision and he'll make it in his own time.

The sixth penalty-taker was going to be either me or Luca Toni. I felt very good. This year I've taken penalties and hit them well. Luckily I wasn't needed in the end. France showed they’re stronger than Germany. I found it very hard to contribute in attack when I came on because I had to worry more about defending.

Francesco TOTTI (ITA)
This win is very important because it'll go down in history. I can't describe how overjoyed I am, I still can't believe it. I'm happy with my performance, although the most important thing this evening was the team. France played very well with a system similar to ours. They made us suffer but we won in the end.

Gianluigi BUFFON (ITA)
I still can’t believe it. It’s as if we've won some other Trophy. It'll be different tomorrow when I've had some time to think about what's happened. I definitely would've saved the fifth penalty, but my team-mates were good enough to make sure it didn't come to that.


Fabio Cannavaro terpilih sebagai pemain back terbaik di dunia.Cannavaro melakukan tackling paling bersih diantara pemain back team" lainnya.Kartu kuning pun belum pernah jatuh ke tangannya.Kapten italy ini mencapai partai ke-100 nya di malam final World Cup 2oo6 yang lalu.Cannavaro membuktikan bahwa ia mampu membawa teamnya sebagai pemenang WC padahal sewaktu di Juventus ia berada di bawah kepemimpinan Del Piero yg pada piala dunia sering duduk di bangku cadangan.Kabarnya secara resmi Real Madrid menyatakan keinginan mereka untuk memboyong kapten Italy ini sebagai pemain mereka.Tapi Juventus menetapkan BUYBACK bagi pemain'' andalan mereka ini sampai Juventus kembali ke seri A.

Daniele De Rossi menunjukan kepada fans setia Italy bahwa permainannya masih sebagus yg dulu.Setelah kehilangan 4 kesempatan untuk bermain bersama Italy, dikarenakan perang berdarah sewaktu melawan US.De Rossi berkali kali melakukan penyerangan bersama Del Piero ke gol France.Dan terbukti menyelamatkan Italy sewaktu adu penalti dengan membobol gawang.

Andrea Pirlo memang pantas meneriman gelar MAN OF THE MATCH sewaktu melawan France.

Fabio Grosso adalah harapan terakhir Lippi dan masyarakat Italy sewaktu beradu penalti melawan France.Dan ternyata harapan itu menjadi kenyataan sewaktu Grosso berhasil mengelabui kiper France.

Gianluigi Buffon adalah aset timnas Italy dikarenakan resume permainannya yg menawan.23 kali Buffon menyelamatkan gawang Italy.Setelah bermain menawan di malam final, Lev Yashin menobatkan Buffon sebagai pemain terbaik.

Francesco Totti seorang playmaker Italy ini memang patut dipuja.Keputusannya untuk lebih fokus bermain di AS ROMA memang menyedihkan karena dengan demikian Totti akan meninggalka timnas Italy.Tapi akhir kariernya dibumbui rasa senang karena bisa membawa pulang Piala Dunia.

Alessandro Del Piero berhasil mencetak gol menakjubkan sewaktu melawan Germany.Pemain yg sering duduk di bangku cadangan ini selalu diberikan waktu sempit dari Lippi untuk mencetak gol.Keputusan Lippi sewaktu memasukan pemain cadangan tidak pernah meleset.Terutama sewaktu memasukan Del Piero di menit" terakhir.Menaikan adrenalin pemain lawan adalah kunci taktik Lippi.

Marco Materazzi pemain yg penuh sensasi ini memang membahayakan penyerangan lawan.Terkenal dengan permainannya yang kasar, Materazzi membawa ketegangan yg kuat bagi pemain lawan.


Tambahan waktu adalah kesempatan FRANCE untuk menciptakan gol indah melalui playmaker mereka Zidane.Di awal tambahan waktu penonton terfokus pada penyerangan italy sehingga tidak ada yg menyadari kekacauan di dekat gawang italy itu.

Zidane (Z) ;; aduh panas banget sehh *menggaruk kepala botaknya*
Materazzi (M) ;; iya euy panas, ga enak yah kita musti bertanding seperti ini
(Z) ;; males emang, mana tangan guw kesakitan gini tadi dipanjat cannavaro! dasar pendek!
(M) ;; apa kau bilang * sambil memeluk kasar zidane dari belakang *
(Z) ;; gak kok bercanda
(M) ;; owh
kedua pemain itu jalan sambil berbicara
(Z) ;; gila gak kuat euy! gatel pisan
(M) ;; mana guw liat
ternyata sewaktu menghampiri Materazzi. Zidane tersandung batu, yang membuat Zizou tersandung dan menabrak dada Materazzi. Penjaga gawang Buffon yg melihat jelas hal itu menghampiri wasir dan berkata
BUFFON ;; pak! itu kasiah si zidane maw keramas dulu
WASHIT ;; mana? * sambil berlari ke arah Zidane *
(Z) ;; aduh pak saya maw mandi dulu yah, gatel banget nehh rambut saya
WASHIT ;; owh ya udah nih saya kasih shampo
ternyata wasit salah ngambil, tadinya maw kasih shampoo sashet malah ngeluarin kartu merah yg letaknya di saku celana yg sama dgn shampoo itu.


Ini smua tulisan ella * kecuali PLAYERS QUOTES * yg menggunakan bahasa kehidupan. Minta commentnya yach tentang tulisan ella terutama di bagian NEWS, itu semua hasil rangakaian kata ella.Hoho.Kayaknya nulis tuch enak juga yah.

Wednesday, July 5, 2006

Sudah lama tdk mengupdate blog euy.Kali ini ella update blog dicopy dari blog ella diFS.hope you'll enjoy it.Temanya ''ella berubah menjadi seorang GIBOL (gila bola)''

July 05, 2006

CRAPCRAPCRAPCRAP!!!!!Bener" PORTUGAL menjadi kebanggaan ella.Walaupun kalah ella ga peduli yg penting mereka udah menguasai bola banget"an.Apaan tuh France menang ga murni usaha mereka.Dasar WASHIT kacau,,ga fair,,sentimen ama PORTUGAL,,terima sogokan Perancis*hoho.
For my dad Luiz Figo;; hebat" membawa portugal ke semi-final setelah 40 tahun menunggu dan gak sia" coz dlm pertandingan ini mereka bener" MENGUASAI.
Dimana" klo udah tendangan pinalti mana mungkin ga nyetak score *tdk termasuk inggris* sooo.. Liat aja ekspresi Zidane and Pelatihnya,,mereka ga puas dgn score yg didapet dgn cara ga PENTING itu.HOHO.
Walaupun begitu PORTUGAL masih bisa tersenyum lebar melihat ITALI masuk ke final
.So,skg perhatian ella tercurah pada ITALI.Ga tau kenapa setelah melihat pertandingan yg bagus bgd antara PRANCIS and PORTUGAL ella ngerasa klo GERMANY bakal kalah at least PORTUGAL HOLD THE GAME last nite.

July 05, 2006 ...

horay!!! 40% ella dukung itali dan ternyata benar! mereka masuk PINAL.Secara gitu 2-0.Del piero kweren abies.HOHO.
gila masak tadi siang pas tidur siang ella kemimpi portugal mungkin! portugal lebih layak ada di final.Perancis udah keseringan jadi ga usah lah.hoho.Zidane ke Zidat ntar ama Luis Figo my baby!hoho.Pensiun aja sonoh.Ga penting bgt.
gogo PORTUGAL gogo.degdegan euy!

July 02, 2006 ..

whoa jagoan ella satu ini menang,dengan kapten michael ballack,jerman keren abis
tapi tetep..ella jatuh cinta ama phillip lahm pertahanannya sbg defender bagus abissss

del piero go go! banyak yg ngomong klo juara world cup bakalan ITALI...knp yah??

ella dukung france karena france pemainnya okeoke smua,bagusbagus lagi,plus i love france so damn mucho.silly reason huh?

pertamanya ella dukung portugal hanya karena ada cristiano ronaldo doank.but when he got injured,i think twice bout it.apalagi deco pake keluar segala.entah mengapa walaupun dunia disekelilingku mendukung inggris,ella masih mencintai keindahan permainan i wont lose it,rite?
Tanpa disangka o1 juli 2oo6 pukul 22oo,portugal memulai permainan yg begitu memukau dengan kapten luis figo yg bermain selayaknya seorang kapten.tapi kok seorang beckham jadi ella PD bgd portugal bisa melaluinya.Setelah beberapa kali tambahan waktu akhrinya tiba saatnya dimana seorang ella yakin 1oo% bahwa portugal mampu memenangi permainan ini yaitu saat PENALTI.huahua
Dan ternyata memang itulah jadinya Inggris kalah kesekian kali dalam tendangan penalti.Tapi cristiano ronaldo makin membuat hatiku luluh.Bayangin aja! abis cidera dia malah tampil memukau ditambah tendangannya pas pinalti bener" mengecoh abis"an sang keeper.huahua makan tuh si beckham nangis buat pendukung inggris.dont take it seriously okay ;p !


Some people maybe wondering why ella become like this over football thing.Well pertamanya ella ga pernah menikmati yg namanya nonton bola,bingung aja kok ada orang" yg ngejar bola ampe segitunya.Tapi setelah ngeliat permainan ITALI VS AUSTRALIA yg ella anggep lucu bukan rame,ella jadi ketagihan nonton bola.Apalagi sejak ella mengidolakan C.RONALDO yess the one with babyface,cute smile and adorable skill.For the 1st time ella dukung France tapi lama-lama karena ella paling ga konsisten dalam pilih memilih soal sports,setelah melihat permainan PORTUGAL ella jadi kepincut berat*halah.C.RONALDO gitu.haha.Tapi bukan kepincut C.RO*klo itu seh udah dari dulu*,ella kepincut permainan Portugal pas lawan Belanda whoa loads of red cards,dari situ ella ngeliat klo Portugal bakal ngelakuin apa aja demi masuk ke babak semi-final untuk yg pertama kalinya dalam 40 tahun.Udah kayak komentator bola aja neh ella.Bayangin aja akhir'' ini ella begadang mulu selama semi-final.Ella sendiri aneh kok ella jadi bener" GIBOL.Well those are the legend of ELLA THE GIBOL.

Cosima De Vito Australian Idol - L.O.V.E

Saturday, January 21, 2006

hello bello people.I bet you people are miss me,aren't you?
umm can you remember the last time i have updated my blog.
it was soooo years ago...............

CIRCUIT ASSEMBLY*thx kak edrii =)
i meant kebaktian wilayah amat menyenangkan.its the time that you can fell a good association.
i met my friends,got a new friends,it was so much fun!!!
my spirit came back after i have a bad association with wordly people.
exactly like the title of the convention NEW PERSONALITY.
i fell i have it now* haha.
its need a process, might be a short time or it can be a long time.

haha.ohh yeah coz im ABG * ppl called me like that.
namanya jugag abg pastii matanya kemana".
but im still loyal with my choice.HIMM.
go ahead laugh.
anak keciil kayak ella gitu?dassar.
emang sehh apa yg diiharapkan darii anak ABG kecualii maen" TAPI ella tdk sepertii itu.
penasaran?silahkan tesss!!!
tapii ella jugag belom boleh tuhh ama yg namanya pacaran.
masiih keciill.bodoh.
ella mah nurut" aja.anak baiik. dariipada kehiilangan kepercayaan mom and dad mendingan nunggu ampe waktunya tepat.
sekarang ella hanya mikirin gimana caranya lulus?????
mau sekolah setinggi mbak debiie,mau dpt kerja sesibuk mas teguh,mau punya keluarga anaknya sepasang kayak mba liisa,mau tinggi kayak mas milen.
The one - Maliq & Dessentials