Saturday, January 21, 2006

hello bello people.I bet you people are miss me,aren't you?
umm can you remember the last time i have updated my blog.
it was soooo years ago...............

CIRCUIT ASSEMBLY*thx kak edrii =)
i meant kebaktian wilayah amat menyenangkan.its the time that you can fell a good association.
i met my friends,got a new friends,it was so much fun!!!
my spirit came back after i have a bad association with wordly people.
exactly like the title of the convention NEW PERSONALITY.
i fell i have it now* haha.
its need a process, might be a short time or it can be a long time.

haha.ohh yeah coz im ABG * ppl called me like that.
namanya jugag abg pastii matanya kemana".
but im still loyal with my choice.HIMM.
go ahead laugh.
anak keciil kayak ella gitu?dassar.
emang sehh apa yg diiharapkan darii anak ABG kecualii maen" TAPI ella tdk sepertii itu.
penasaran?silahkan tesss!!!
tapii ella jugag belom boleh tuhh ama yg namanya pacaran.
masiih keciill.bodoh.
ella mah nurut" aja.anak baiik. dariipada kehiilangan kepercayaan mom and dad mendingan nunggu ampe waktunya tepat.
sekarang ella hanya mikirin gimana caranya lulus?????
mau sekolah setinggi mbak debiie,mau dpt kerja sesibuk mas teguh,mau punya keluarga anaknya sepasang kayak mba liisa,mau tinggi kayak mas milen.
The one - Maliq & Dessentials